Ulun Danu Temple
Ulun Danu Beratan Temple is located in the village of Yellow, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency. Its distance from Denpasar town about 50 km to the north following the road of Denpasar - Singaraja. Temple is located on the shores of Lake Beratan, its name taken from the lake on top of a temple is erected is Danu Beratan.
Snapshot history Ulun Danu Beratan can be known based on archaeological data and historical data contained in the palmyra Mengwi Chronicle.
Archaeological Data. In front of the left side of the page Ulun Danu Beratan temple there is a stone sarcophagus and a board, who hails from the megalithic tradition, around 500 BC. Both artifacts are now placed on top of each Babaturan (terrace). Can be expected that the location where Danu Beratan Ulun composed, has been used as a place to carry out ritual activities since the megalithic era.
Data In Mengwi Chronicle. Chronicle Lontar Mengwi implicitly describes that I Gusti Agung Putu as the founder of the kingdom Mengwi founded on the edge of Lake Beratan Temple, before he founded, Pura Taman Ayun. The palm is not mentioned when he founded Ulun Danu Beratan, but contained within it is the establishment of palm Pura Taman Ayun the ceremony held on the day of the Saka year Anggara Kliwon Medangsia Sad Yaksha Gods Bhuta ie the year Çaka 1556 (1634 AD). Based on the description in the Chronicle Mengwi palm is known that Ulun Danu Beratan saka founded before the year 1556, by I Gusti Agung Putu. Since the founding of the kingdom Mengwi termasyurlah proficiency level in these temples, and I Gusti Agung Putu dubbed by the people ", I Gusti Agung Sakti".
Ulun Danu Beratan temple complex consists of four, namely:
Petak Linga Temple ( First Picture ), Pura Upgrading Pucak Mangu ( Second Picture ), Pura Terate Bang ( Third Picture ), and the Pura Dalem Purwa works to worship the greatness of God in its manifestation as Dewa Tri Murti, to beg grace of fertility, prosperity, human welfare and sustainability of the universe.
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